Edited Electoral Roll: Official roll of people registered to vote in the UK who have given permission for their data to be used for marketing and other purposes. The Edited Electoral Roll contains 26 million records over an 8 year history and includes information such as Forename, Surname, Address & Date Of Birth. It is updated Annually.

Full Electoral Roll: Access to the Full Electoral Roll is controlled by statute (Representation Of The People - England & Wales 2002) and cannot be offered to any company that does not fulfil the requirements. Section 114 dictates who is permitted access - summary below:

1: Vetting applications for credit or applications that can result in the giving of credit or the giving of any guarantee, indemnity or assurance in relation to the giving of credit;

2: Meeting any obligations contained in the Money Laundering Regulations 1993 (a). the Money Laundering Regulations 2001 (b) or any rules made pursuant to section 146 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (c)

The data contains people in the UK who are eligible to vote and includes information such as Forename, Surname, Address, Time at Address and Date Of Birth of attainers. The roll covers a period of six years of historical data and is updated annually; which includes rolling data updates when the Electoral Roll is being collected (normally November to February)