The table provided below offers a comprehensive breakdown of the acronyms associated with the 'indicators' property from the API in question. 

Recognizing that these acronyms can often be complex and potentially confusing, we've detailed each one to ensure clarity and understanding. 

Additionally, for those seeking a deeper dive into these indicators, links have been embedded within the table. These links redirect to corresponding sections concerning the same product indicators but presented on another platform known as 'Accelerator'. On the Accelerator platform, you'll find more extensive details surrounding each item, further enhancing your grasp on the subject.


Estimated Turnover Indicator
The Estimated Turnover Indicator is Creditsafe's estimation of annual turnover for companies that file financial statements but have not disclosed a turnover figure in their income statement.

 The estimates are calculated by using key figures from the company’s balance sheet and ratios from the accounts of other companies that operate in the same industry sector.

Financial Strength Indicator 
Financial Strength indicator analyses the liquidity and strength of a company’s financial position. The financial strength indicator simply analyses the strength of the company's latest financial statements.

Use the following document for a description of the values responses:
What are Indicators in the Scores and Indicators tab? : Creditsafe UK

Payment Behaviour Indicator
Measures how quickly a company pays its invoices (answers “When will I get paid”). We calculate this from trade payment data.

Use the following document for a description of the values responses:
What are Indicators in the Scores and Indicators tab? : Creditsafe UK

Payment Expectation Indicator
Measures the likelihood that a company will become delinquent in paying its invoices over the next 12 months (answers “Will I get paid”). This is calculated by blending the company's Credit Score and Payment Behaviour value.

Use the following document for a description of the values responses:
What are Indicators in the Scores and Indicators tab? : Creditsafe UK