Once you navigate to the Decision History and Referred Decisions page, you will be provided with the ability to export the tabular data. This will enable users to further analyse and manipulate the data.

  1. The Excel file is downloadable and saved to a specific location on the user's device.
  2. The file extension of the exported Excel file is .xlsx



If the user selects “All” in the Decision Tree filter, then the exported file will contain the decision history of all the decision trees used for running the decision.

Note: The exported file when all the decision trees are selected would not include the “Rule Name”, “Audit Description” and the “Result” details.

Full Export

If you select a particular Decision Tree, then the button label will change to "Full Export" from "Export". The “Rule Name”, “Audit Description” and the “Result” details are included in the exported file upon performing a full export.