What is a profile in KYC Protect? 

A profile collates all relevant information required to screen an entity or individual such as key business details, shareholders, directors and UBOs. 

How are profiles created in KYC Protect? 

Profiles can be created automatically in KYC Protect when the data is exported directly from Creditsafe’s company reports. It is also possible to create profiles manually using the Create Manual Profile button on your profiles list page.

Can I upload data to profiles on KYC Protect?

Yes, it is possible to upload files to profiles in KYC Protect in the following formats: pdf, doc, docx, txt, xls, xlsx, jpeg or jpg, png, svg, csv, ods. 

Is it possible to edit profiles? 

Yes, you will have the option to make changes to profiles and update a profile's risk status. 

I need to refer a case to a senior manager, is this possible? 

Profiles can be assigned to other users for review so that a decision can be made. 

I need approval from a specific manager/team member, is this possible?

Not right now. Most of our customers manage this via organisation policy, but please let us know if this is a critical need so we can explore this as an enhancement. 

Does KYC Protect keep a record of actions taken on a profile? 

Yes, there is a full digital audit trail of actions taken on a profile suitable for audits and reporting for regulators. 


If I manually create a profile for a company or trust, can I automatically add information from a Creditsafe report?

Not at this stage, however, the ability to enrich existing records with Creditsafe data will be available in H2 2024. In the interim, you can save any data locally and upload it to the profile that has already been created, all other information may be manually edited within the profile.

Can I export the group structure and reports associated with an existing Profile?

Not at this stage, however the ability to enrich existing records with enhanced controlling owner data will be available in H2 2024. In the interim, you can save any data locally and upload it to the profile that has already been created, all other information may be manually edited within the profile.  

Does KYC Protect work with individuals as well as businesses?


Yes, everything that can be done for a business is also available for individuals (creating profiles, screening, AML Monitoring etc). There are small differences between the two, such as available datasets. The only core feature not available for profiles for individuals is KYC Monitoring, as this is only available for profiles created from Creditsafe Business Reports.


Will it still be possible to conduct one-off searches as was possible with the previous version of Protect?


Yes, it will still be possible to conduct one off searches (same as legacy Protect). You can then choose to add these retrospectively to a profile or leave as is.


Can I do a deep search on directors living abroad?


Yes, you can screen directors from any country if the report is available in the Creditsafe platform. This excludes fresh investigations.

When attempting a batch upload, I try to add the DOB and review date to the upload, the file keeps defaulting to the format dd/mm/yyyy instead of the format that the system wants. How can I resolve this?


By default, Excel may change the dates to US locale. These preferences can be changed by following the steps below: 

1. Click Home > Number Format > More number formats

2. Under Category, click Date, Time, or Special, and then select English (United Kingdom) from the locale menu. Select the yyyy-mm-dd format from the options.

Is it possible to update profiles in bulk? 

At the moment, updating a profile or any records via batch uploads is not possible. However, you can delete the existing records and create new ones again.