
The more accurate your input data is, the higher the chance that your data will be successfully matched. You can also review suggested matches, and if these are correct you can approve this to add to your list of matched records.


Completeness of Records:
 Providing comprehensive information for each record increases the likelihood that the match engine will identify the correct match. Missing data fields can reduce confidence levels, leading to the rejection of potentially accurate matches if they don't meet the quality standards.

Data Quality:

The adage "garbage in, garbage out" holds true. High-quality input data is essential for optimal match performance. Be aware of common errors, such as placeholder text (e.g., “ANONYMOUS”, "NULL", "DO NOT USE"), incorrect address formats, improperly formatted phone numbers or postal codes, and mismatched data types (numeric vs. alphabetic).

Mapping Accuracy

Properly mapping input data to the correct fields is crucial. For example, ensure phone numbers are not placed in email fields. Correct field mapping significantly enhances the likelihood of successful matches.