Guidance on setting up scheduling for a Portfolio in Data Studio. This guidance applies for both Insights and Enrichments.
For more guidance on how to set up scheduling in a Portfolio in Data Studio, please view this interactive demonstration.
You can also follow the below steps to set this up.
- Log into the Creditsafe Platform and navigate to Data Studio
- Click into the Portfolio you would like to schedule an Enrichment or Insight for
- Create your Insight/Enrichment
- When creating this, select the “Enable automated scheduling to run this report at your preferred frequency. Manage Schedules in the Schedules tab” toggle. This will enable scheduling
- Configure your scheduling requirements.
- Set the dates you want to scheduling to run from and to. They can be set to run for up to a year
- Set the frequency you want, this can be daily, weekly or monthly
- Set the time you want to receive the reports. This can be any hour of the day
- Add in email recipients if you would like anybody to be notified of the enrichment update
- Finish creating your Insight/Enrichment
- Once this has been created, go to the Scheduling tab
- You will see the schedule in here. You can delete this if required.