
Guidance on setting up scheduling for a Portfolio in Data Studio. This guidance applies for both Insights and Enrichments. 


For more guidance on how to set up scheduling in a Portfolio in Data Studio, please view this interactive demonstration.

You can also follow the below steps to set this up.

  1. Log into the Creditsafe Platform and navigate to Data Studio
  2. Click into the Portfolio you would like to schedule an Enrichment or Insight for
  3. Create your Insight/Enrichment
  4. When creating this, select the “Enable automated scheduling to run this report at your preferred frequency. Manage Schedules in the Schedules tab” toggle. This will enable scheduling
  5. Configure your scheduling requirements.
    • Set the dates you want to scheduling to run from and to. They can be set to run for up to a year
    • Set the frequency you want, this can be daily, weekly or monthly
    • Set the time you want to receive the reports. This can be any hour of the day
    • Add in email recipients if you would like anybody to be notified of the enrichment update 
  6. Finish creating your Insight/Enrichment
  7. Once this has been created, go to the Scheduling tab
  8. You will see the schedule in here. You can delete this if required.