To learn how to view and update Referred Decisions in Check & Decide, please view this interactive demonstration.

We have added a new 'Referred Decisions' sub-tab so that you can quickly and easily access the 'Referred Decisions' functionality within Check & Decide without having to navigate through multiple pages. 


To access Referred Decisions, please follow the below steps: 

  1. Log into the Creditsafe Platform and navigate to Check & Decide 
  2. Click on Referred Decisions in the side menu
  3. You will now be taken to the list of Referred Decisions
  4. If there is a dark grey edit pencil, you can view and update the Referred Decision, you can also click the down chevron to only view the decision 
  5. The details of the decision will now show, if you have the rights you can approve/reject and add notes to the decision

You can also access Referred Decisions from the Decision History tab:

  1. Here you will find all decisions, but any Referred Decisions will also be in this list
  2. If there is a dark grey edit pencil, you can view and update the Referred Decision, you can also click the down chevron to only view the decision 
  3. The details of the decision will now show, if you have the rights you can approve/reject and add notes to the decision