For more guidance on how to change decision outcomes in Check & Decide, please view this interactive demonstration.
You can also follow the below steps to update a decision outcome:
*Please note, you will need the correct permissions to do this
- Navigate to Check & Decide and click on Decision History
- Click on the View and Update edit pencil
- This will open the referred decision
- You can add notes to the decision by adding text to the Notes box and click "Add Note"
- These notes will show in the Decision Updates section
- You can add notes to support in the approval or rejection of a decision
- Click on Approve or Reject to update the decision, then confirm the action
- The Decision has now been updated. You can now review the decision report again, or go back to the decision history.
- Within the decision history, you will see the updated approval status
- The decisions will show as "Manually Approved" or "Manually Rejected" in the approval status and within the decision