For more guidance on how to edit a template model configuration in Check & Decide, please view this interactive demonstration.
Senior users with the required permissions would be able to edit the decision model configuration details. Edit configuration can only be performed if the Preset Model value is set to ‘No’ i.e., the decision model selected is not a pre-configured template model. If the Preset Model value is set to ‘Yes’, users can only view the configuration details as it is a pre-configured template model. Users with the required permissions can select the ‘Edit Configuration’ button on the bottom right of the ‘Decision Model Configuration’ panel.
To Edit a Model Configuration, follow the below steps:
- Navigate to the Decision Model that you would like to update
- Select the ‘Edit Configuration’ button, then the view within the "Decision Model Configuration" section would transition to an editable state.
- On the "Decision Model Configuration" panel, the senior users will be able to perform the below actions:
- Change the decision model name.
- Change the display name for the input field.
- Change the status of the decision model (Published/Unpublished)
- Update any existing thresholds.
- Add new metrics not in the current decision model.
- Set thresholds for any new metrics.
- Remove new or existing metrics from the decision model configuration. This means that the metric will not be included when you run a decision for that decision model.
- Add/Update the action if compare fails.
- Add/Update the action if data is unavailable.
How To Modify the Basic Model Details
- Users can update the basic model information like the ‘Decision Model Name’, display name for the input field i.e., ‘Input Name’ and ‘Status’ in the Edit mode.
- Users can select the ‘Edit’ icon next to the field. Upon selecting the ‘Edit’ icon, the field transitions into an editable state.
- Users can make the necessary changes and click on the tick icon to update the details.
- Similarly, users can also update the Input Name and the Status.
- The Status field can be updated to either ‘Published’ or ‘Unpublished’. Published or unpublished status would decide whether this decision model would be available for decision run or not.
Add and Remove Metric
- To add a new metric to an existing decision model, select the ‘+’ icon on the ‘Decision Model Configuration’ panel.
- Hover over the ‘+’ icon, they must view a tooltip that states “Click Here to Add a New Metric!”
- Select the ‘+’ icon, then a new record is added.
- select the metric from the ‘Business Data to Evaluate’ dropdown. Based on the metric selection, the evaluation logic will get prepopulated.
- Now, enter the value to compare and select the statuses for the action if compare fails and if the data is unavailable from the respective dropdowns.
- To remove any newly added metric or an existing metric from the configuration, then select the remove icon next to the metric record.
- Upon confirming, the metric will be removed from the configuration.
Modify Threshold Values, Failed Status and Unavailable Status
- Users can update the threshold values, Failed statuses, or Data unavailable statuses for the existing metrics.
- Once the Model Configuration is open for editing, you can update the threshold values of each of the metrics by changing the numbers
- We are performing certain validation checks when a user is updating the data in the configuration table and saving the changes. We are going to display some visual cues to indicate the required fields explaining what went wrong and how to correct it.
- User can view a placeholder text that indicates the defined range for a particular metric. For example, if a user wishes to add Risk Score metric to their existing configuration, they can see that the Min and Max value defined for ‘Risk Score’ in the ‘Value to Compare’ column.
- If user enters a value that is beyond the defined range, then we indicate that to the user by highlighting the field and providing some visual information. For example, user has entered 1000 as the threshold value for ‘Risk Score’ metric but the defined range is 0 to 100. In this case, we highlight the cell and provide a visual cue to the user.
- User will not be able to save the configuration unless they enter a valid value wherever applicable or leave a required field blank.
Save Configuration/Discard Changes
- To save the configuration, select the ‘Save Configuration’ button.
- Upon selecting the ‘Save Configuration’ button, all the updates made to the model configuration will be saved and user will be navigated to the view configuration page.
- To discard the changes made to the configuration, select the ‘Cancel’ button on the ‘Decision Model Configuration’ panel.
- Selecting the ‘Cancel’ button and confirming on the pop-up modal window will mean all the changes made to the model configuration will be reverted.
- The user can now view the updated details on the ‘Decision Model Configuration’ panel on the view page.