View Decision Outcome Values and Descriptions


As part of this functionality, we are providing an ability to access and modify Decision outcome values and decision outcome descriptions for the selected tree directly from the user interface, so that users with required permissions can view the existing decision values and descriptions and easily manage and update decision values and descriptions.  

The user must select the 'Tree Configuration' sub-tab from the left navigation bar, and they will be taken to the "Tree Configuration" page.


When the user selects a decision tree and selects the ‘View Configuration’ button, two tabs labelled ‘Configuration’ and ‘Outcome Values’ are displayed at the top of the Tree Configuration page. This will allow users to switch between ‘Configuration’ and ‘Outcome Values’ pages effortlessly.


When the user selects the ‘Outcome Values’ tab, they will be navigated to the page that displays the current decision outcome values and decision outcome descriptions for the selected decision tree.


User can view the state of the Manual review checkbox. Additionally, there will be an ‘Edit’ button on this page to enable users to perform an update.


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Users will be able to view 2 sub-sections named ‘Automated Decision Outcomes’ and ‘Outcomes for Manual Reviews’.

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Edit Decision Outcome Values and Descriptions


Users will be able to modify/update the Decision outcome values, descriptions and the manual review restriction state. The authorized users can access the "Edit" button. Users will be provided with a provision to restrict the manual review process if the decision outcome is ‘Refer’.

Upon selecting the 'Edit' button, users will be shown a 'Are you sure?' pop-up modal window with a confirmation message that states "Modifying and saving these Decision Outcomes will set these values for any decision made going forward. Your decision history will not be affected by these changes." This is to inform the user that any customization on the Decision outcome values, and Decision outcome descriptions page is not going to affect any of the past decisions on the selected decision tree.

The confirmation dialog box will appear.

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Once user confirms on the dialog box, the page transitions into an editable state. The "Save" button will remain disabled or greyed out if there are no changes to save. When the user starts updating the values, the 'Save' button will become clickable.

The textboxes and the manual review restriction checkbox will transition into an editable state. The users will be able to view the existing decision outcome values and descriptions based on the data available for the selected decision tree.

The input fields for ‘Decision Outcome Values’ has a maximum character limit set to ‘50’ and the input fields for ‘Decision Outcome Descriptions’ has a maximum character limit set to ‘100’.

When attempting to input text, the users will not be able to enter characters more than the specified limit for Decision outcome values and Decision outcome descriptions.


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When the user removes the text completely from the input fields i.e., the value is empty or null, the interface displays a placeholder text for the Decision descriptions text input field or Decision outcome values text input field that states “Please Enter…”

Note: If a user is in the Edit Decision outcome values and Decision outcome descriptions page and wants to switch to the other tab "Configuration", then any of the changes made on the Edit page will be lost and user will be navigated to the other page where they can view the latest details for the selected decision tree.


The user can deselect the checkbox to restrict the manual review process for the selected decision tree if the decision outcome comes as ‘Refer’. The ‘Outcomes for Manual Reviews’ sub-section will be hidden if user deselects the checkbox. It will again be shown if user selects the checkbox.

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When user removes the text from any of the input fields, the interface displays text that states “Please Enter…”

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When a user tries to save the changes with an empty field, the system performs a validation and highlights the cell with a red border and doesn’t allow the user to save the changes.

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Manual Review Restriction


Currently in Check & Decide, we have manual review process default enabled for any decision outcome that comes as ‘Refer’. But we have introduced a provision for user to be able to restrict the manual review process if there is no requirement to do any further evaluation and take a manual action on approving or rejecting a decision outcome that comes as ‘Refer’.

User can view a ‘Set this to have the results reviewed for further evaluation’ checkbox on the Decision outcome values and Decision outcome descriptions page.

  • When a user selects the checkbox and saves the changes, they will have the ability to have the results reviewed by a manual process - then the user will have the option to change the Manual Approved/ Manually Rejected Decision Outcome labels. 

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  • When a user deselects the checkbox and saves the changes, they will not have the ability to have the results reviewed by a manual process - then the Manually Approved and Manually Rejected labels will NOT appear in the UI to edit. These will again appear in the UI when the checkbox is selected.  

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Changes to Decision outcome record in Decision History and Referred Decision page if Manual Review is restricted.

When user restricts the manual review process for a decision tree and runs a decision, the 'Edit' icon will be disabled on the decision record in Decision History and Referred Decisions page for a ‘Refer’ decision outcome. We also provide a visual cue to the user indicating the reason why the edit icon is disabled.

If the manual review process is restricted, even if user has the update permission for any referred decision outcome, the ‘Edit’ icon will be disabled with a tooltip message that states, ‘Manual review is restricted’.

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When user expands the decision record, the notes section, ‘Add Note’ button, ‘Approve Decision’ and ‘Reject Decision’ buttons will be hidden.

We would be able to see the same behavior in the Run Decision page if the decision outcome comes as ‘Refer’ when the manual review is restricted. The users must not be able to take any manual action on the referred decision outcomes.

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Cancel Changes

There is a provision for users to revert their changes made to the Decision outcome values or Decision description texts. This will provide users with the flexibility to interrupt any tasks if needed.

The ‘Cancel’ button is added to the Decision outcome values and Decision description page. 

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The ‘Cancel’ button is enabled by default and selecting the button will discard all the changes users would have made on the Decision outcome values and Decision description page.

Selecting the ‘Cancel’ button will prompt a "Are you sure?" confirmation dialog box asking if user is sure they want to discard the changes. Upon confirming, all the changes made to either Decision outcome values, Decision descriptions or the Manual Review restriction checkbox will be undone. 

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The 'Decision outcome values and Decision descriptions' page should revert to its previous state.

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Save Changes

When a user has made changes to the decision outcome values, decision outcome descriptions and Manual review checkbox, an option for saving those changes is provided on the page.

The "Save" button will remain disabled or grayed out if there are no changes to save. Upon selecting ‘Save’, if there are no validation errors, then the changes are saved successfully.

Once the changes are successfully saved, the user must be navigated to the default read only page of the Decision outcome values and Decision outcome descriptions. (Non-Editable)


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The user can view the latest changes made to the decision outcome values and decision outcome descriptions for the selected decision tree. 

Note: The user can view the customized decision outcome wordings in the exported excel file (Applicable to Export and Full Export)


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Full Export

Also, user would be able to view the latest customized decision outcome values for the selected decision tree in the ‘Decision Outcome’ dropdown in the Decision History and Referred Decisions page.

Decision History Page

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Referred Decisions page.