As a user, you can update role permissions for individuals in your customer profile directly from the user interface. This feature allows you to efficiently manage user access to different Check & Decide features and functionalities, ensuring that each user has the appropriate permissions.  

The user must select the ‘Model Configuration' sub-tab from the left navigation bar, and they will be taken to the "Model Configuration" page.


When you select a model for which you have senior-level permission and clicks the 'View Configuration' button, a tab labelled 'User Management' will appear at the top of the Model Configuration page.


Note: If you have basic-level permission for the model, the User Management tab will be hidden.


When you select the User Management tab, you will be directed to a page that displays a list of active users within your customer profile. From this page, you can view and update role permissions for any user in your profile. This allows you to easily manage user access and permissions according to your organization’s requirements.

‘Active Users’ section


When you navigate to the User Management tab, you will see the Active Users section. This section displays a list of users within your customer profile, along with the following details in the grid:

  • ‘Full Name’
  • ‘Email’
  • ‘Role’
  • ‘Decision Approver’
  • ‘Email Alerts’

In the Active Users section, you will find a Search feature, allowing you to easily locate a specific user from the list of active users. You must enter the user’s name or email to quickly find the desired user record.

You can reset the search criteria at any time by clicking the X icon next to the search bar, which will clear the search and display the full list of users again.

Active Users section

To edit a user’s details in the ‘Active Users’ section, click the 3-dot icon next to the specific user record. This will open a ‘User Information’ popup modal window allowing you to update the user's email alert status or role permissions.

Update the Email Alerts status for the user record

The Email Alerts setting can be configured to either Yes or No with the help of the toggle on the ‘User Information’ popup modal window.

When set to Yes, the user will receive an email notification whenever a decision outcome is referred. If set to No, no email notifications will be sent for any referred decision outcomes to that specific user.

In this example, for user ‘CheckTESTCnd_8’, the Email Alerts is set to Yes and saved.

This setting updates the state of the Email Alerts checkbox in the Active Users section.

Update the User Role for the selected record


The logged-in user can edit the role permission for any user record within the list.

In this example, the current role permission for the user Check TESTCnd_8 is No Access. The logged-in user can now update the role permission by selecting a new role from the available options in the User Role dropdown.

Now ‘Senior’ role is selected from the list and saved.

This setting also updates the state of the Decision Approver checkbox in the Active Users section. Since the new role for the user is Senior, the user now has the authority to review referred decisions and take manual actions on them. The Role column will display the updated role permission for the user Check TESTCnd_8.

Note: The Decision Approver checkbox will remain unchanged if the user has any role other than Senior.


‘Referral Email Settings’ section


The email notification system is based on a user setting that allows users to enable or disable automatic email triggers. When enabled, notifications are sent automatically to alert the appropriate recipients about pending decisions requiring action. If disabled, users must manually trigger the notifications when a decision outcome needs to be reviewed. This setting provides flexibility in managing how and when email alerts are sent to decision-makers.

In the User Management interface, below the "Active Users" section, users will find a section labelled "Referral Email Settings". This section includes a toggle option that allows users to enable or disable automatic email triggers. By using this toggle, users can decide whether they want to receive referral emails automatically, giving them greater control over their email notifications.

  • When the toggle is set to 'Yes', automatic email triggers for referrals should be enabled for the users.
  • Note: Only individual email addresses for users in the back office are supported. Group email notifications will not be triggered as part of the current functionality.
  • When the toggle is set to 'No', automatic email triggers for referrals will be disabled. For any referred decision outcomes on the model, the user will need to manually send an email notification from the Decision Outcome page.  

When users update their referral email settings, a confirmation message will appear, notifying them that their preference has been successfully saved. This ensures users are informed that the change has been applied.

Note : If none of the user records in the Active Users section have the ‘Email Alerts’ setting enabled (set to "Yes"), attempting to enable the automatic referral email settings will trigger a warning message. This message informs users that automatic referral emails cannot be activated because no users are currently set to receive email alerts.