Email Notification sent to List of Recipients in the Active Users section


We have implemented a notification system that enables the requester to notify a list of recipients when a decision requires action. This notification alerts the designated recipients that a pending decision is awaiting review.

The assigned Decision Approver can then review the decision outcome and take the necessary manual actions to resolve the pending decision. This process ensures timely communication and proper handling of referred decisions.

  • If the user setting in the 'Referral Email Settings' section is set to 'Yes' and at least one user in the Active Users section has their 'Email Alerts' enabled (set to "Yes"), an automatic email notification will be triggered each time a decision outcome is referred. The email will be sent to the list of recipients defined in the Active Users section.

Sample Email:

Note: When you select the ‘Review Decision’ button in the email body, you will be redirected to the Single Decision View page to review the decision outcome.

  • If the user setting in the 'Referral Email Settings' section is disabled and at least one user in the Active Users section has their 'Email Alerts' enabled (set to "Yes"), no automatic email will be triggered when a decision outcome is referred. In this case, the user must manually trigger the email by navigating to the decision outcome record via the Decision History, Referred Decisions, or Single Decision View page.

The user will then need to select the 'Notify for Review' button to manually send the email notification to the list of recipients defined in the Active Users section.

When user clicks the ‘Notify for Review’ button, a popup will appear where user can enter their notes. Any notes user adds in this popup will be saved with the decision outcome.

When user clicks the ‘Notify for Review’ button, an email will be sent to the list of recipients.

  • If the 'Referral Email Settings' is disabled and no user in the Active Users section has their 'Email Alerts' enabled (set to "Yes"), no automatic email will be triggered when a decision outcome is referred. In this case, the 'Notify for Review' button will also be disabled and accompanied by a message indicating that at least one user in the Active Users section must have their Email Alerts enabled.

Note: Once Email Alerts are enabled for at least one user in the Active Users section, the 'Notify for Review' button will be activated for the relevant decision outcome record. This will allow users to manually trigger an email notification to alert the specified recipients. The manual email trigger ensures that decision outcomes can be reviewed by the recipients when needed.

Email Notification sent to the Requester


After clicking the ‘Notify for Review’ button on the popup, the page will refresh, and the ‘Decision Updates’ section will be displayed with the relevant details. The ‘Notify for Review’ button will then change to an ‘Email Sent’ button (disabled) to indicate that the email has been successfully sent to the list of recipients.

Once the decision approver has manually acted on the referred decision outcome, the system will automatically send a notification to the original requester. This notification informs them that an action has been taken regarding their referred decision outcome.

Sample Email:


  • An "Email Sent" icon next to the Decision Updates section indicates that email communication has been successfully sent to the list of recipients when the outcome was referred.
  • If an email is triggered for the referred decision, users will also see the “Email Sent” icon on the downloaded PDF.